Almanac: Desert to End Game - Catan Game Rules



The desert is the only terrain hex that does not produce resources. The robber* starts the game there. A settlement or a city built adjacent to the desert yields fewer resources than those built next to one of the other terrain types.

Development Cards

There are 3 different kinds of cards: Knight Cards*, Progress Cards*, and Victory Point Cards*.

When you buy a development card, take the top card of the draw pile into your hand. Keep your development cards hidden until you play them. This keeps the other players in the dark.

You cannot trade or give away development cards. You may only play 1 development card during your turn— either 1 knight card or 1 progress card. You can play the card at any time, even before you roll the dice. You may not, however, play a card that you bought during the same turn.

Exception: If you buy a card and it is a victory point card* that brings you to 10 points, you may immediately reveal this card (and all other VP cards) and win the game.

You only reveal victory point cards when the game is over—once you or an opponent reaches 10+ victory points and declares victory.

Distance Rule

You may only build a settlement on an unoccupied intersection* and only if none of the 3 adjacent intersections contains a settlement or city.

Example: See Illustration F. Coleman, the blue player, wants to build a settlement. The settlements marked "A" are already in play. Coleman cannot build on the intersections marked "B." He can only build at intersection "C."

Domestic Trade

On your turn, you may trade resources with the other players (after rolling for resource production). You and the other players negotiate the terms of your trades—such as which cards will be exchanged. You may trade as many times as you can, using single or multiple cards. However, you cannot give away cards, or trade matching resources ("trade" 2 ore for 1 ore, for example).

Important: While it is your turn, you must be a part of all trades, and the other players may not trade among themselves.

Example: It is Pete's turn. He needs one brick to build a road. He has 2 lumber and 3 ore. Pete asks aloud, "Who will give me 1 brick for 1 ore?" Beth answers, "If you give me 3 ore, I'll give you a brick." Cooper interjects, "I'll give you 1 brick if you give me 1 lumber and 1 ore." Pete accepts Cooper's offer and trades a lumber and an ore for a brick.

Note: Beth may not trade with Cooper, since it is Pete's turn.


Ending the Game

If you have or reach 10 victory points on your turn, the game ends immediately and you win! You can only win during your turn. If somehow you find you have 10 victory points during another player's turn, you must wait until your next turn to claim victory.

Example: Siobhan has 4 settlements (4 points), the Longest Road special card (2 points), 2 cities (4 points), and 2 victory point cards (2 points). She reveals her 2 victory point cards, giving her the 10 points needed to win. She announces her opponents and claims victory!