Almanac: Number Tokens to Resource Production - Catan Game Rules


Number Tokens

The 18 number tokens are marked with the numerals "2" through "12." There is both one "2" and one "12." There is no "7".

The more often a number is rolled, the more often each associated hex produces resources. Note the size of the numbers and the dots (pips) beneath the number on the tokens. The taller the number and the larger the quantity of dots, the more likely it is that number will be rolled. "6" and "8" (the red numbers) are the most frequently rolled numbers. For each hex's dots, because there are 5 spots on all these numbers on the 2 dice.

The letters on the back of the number tokens are only used during the setup phase (see Set-up, Variable*).



Paths are defined as the edges where 2 hexes and/or hexes and the frame meet. Paths run along the border of 2 terrain hexes or between a land hex and the frame. Only one road* can be built on any path. At each end of a path is an intersection*.

Progress Cards

Progress cards are a type of development card. They have green frames. There are 2 each of 3 varieties:

  • Road Building: If you play this card, you may immediately place 2 free roads on the board (according to normal building rules).
  • Year of Plenty: If you play this card, you may immediately take any 2 resource cards from the supply stacks. You may use these cards to build in the same turn.
  • Monopoly: If you play this card, you must name 1 type of resource. All the other players must give you all of the resource cards of this type that they have in their hands. If an opponent does not have a resource card of the specified type, they do not have to give you anything.

You may play only 1 development card* during your turn.


Resource Cards (Resources)

There are 5 different types of resources (see page 3): grain (from fields), brick (from hills), ore (from mountains), lumber (from forest), and wool (from pasture). These resources are represented by "resource cards." You receive these cards as income from the resource production of these hexes. Resource production is determined by the dice roll at the beginning of each turn. You receive your income for each terrain hex adjacent to your settlements or cities every time the production number on the hex is rolled (exception: see Robber*).

Resource Production

On your turn, you must roll the dice for the turn's resource production. The number rolled determines which hexes produce resources. Each number appears twice—except for "2" and "12," which only appear once.

All players who have settlements* or cities* on the hexes indicated by the roll receive the yields (resource cards) of these hexes. Each settlement produces 1 resource card and each city produces 2 resource cards.

Example: See Illustration J. Loren, the blue player, rolls a "4." her settlement "A" borders a hills hex marked by the number "4," so she takes a brick card. If settlement "A" had been a city, she would have received 2 brick cards. Bridget owns the red settlement "B" that borders on 2 hexes with the number "4": hills and pasture. Bridget takes 1 brick card and 1 wool card from the supply stacks.

It is possible that during the game there will not be enough resources in the bank to supply all of the yields. If there are not enough resource cards to give every player all their production this turn, then no player receives any of that resource that turn.

Exception: If the shortage of resource cards only affects a single player, give that player as many of these resources as are left in the supply, and any extras are lost. In either case, production of other types of resources is not affected.