Almanac: Resource Trade to Settlements - Catan Game Rules

R (continued)

Resource Trade

In the second phase of your turn, you may trade with the other players (but the other players may not trade among themselves, only with the player whose turn it is). There are 2 different kinds of trade:

  • Domestic trade*
  • Maritime trade*


The roads connect your settlements and cities. You build roads on paths*. You cannot build new settlements without also building roads. Roads provide victory points only if you hold the Longest Road* special card. Only 1 road may be built on each path. You can build roads along the coast.

Example: See Illustration K. Liam, the white player, would like to build a road. He may build (place) his road on any of the paths outlined in green. Each of these paths connects to either Liam's road or his settlement, and is not blocked by the blue player's settlement (see the path outlined in red).

Rolling a "7" and Activating the Robber

If you roll a "7" for resource production, none of the players receive resources. Instead:

  1. First, each player counts their resource cards. Any player with more than 7 resource cards (i.e., 8 or more) must choose and discard half of them. Return discards to the supply stacks. If you hold an odd number of cards, round down (e.g., if you have 9 resource cards, you discard 4).
  2. Then you (the player who rolled the "7") must move the robber* to the number token* of any other terrain hex (or to the desert* hex). This blocks the resource production of this hex, until the robber moves to another number token or the desert.
  3. After this relocation occurs, you also steal 1 resource card at random from a player who has a settlement or city adjacent to this new hex. If there are 2 or more players with buildings there, you may choose from which one to steal.

The robber must be moved. You may not choose to leave the robber on the same hex.

After moving the robber, your turn continues with the trade phase.

See also Knights*.


The robber begins the game in the desert*. It is moved only by rolling a "7"* or playing a knight* card.

If the robber is moved to any other terrain hex, it prevents that hex from producing resources. Players with settlements or cities adjacent to the target terrain hex receive no resources from this hex as long as the robber is in the hex.

Example: See Illustration L. It is Xander's turn and he rolls a "7." He must move the robber. The robber was in a fields hex. Xander places it on the "4" number token of a hills hex. If a "4" is rolled in the coming turns, the owners of settlements "A" and "B" do not receive a brick resource card. This lasts until the robber is moved again by another "7" or a knight card. Xander may also take 1 resource card at random from 1 of the players who own settlements "A" or "B".



A settlement is worth 1 victory point. Settlements are built on intersections* (where 3 hexes meet or 1 or 2 hexes meet the frame). You share in all of the resource production from each terrain hex adjacent to your settlements.

You must meet 2 conditions when building a settlement:

  1. Your settlement must always connect to 1 or more of your own roads*.
  2. You must observe the Distance Rule*. For an example of the distance rule, see Illustration M on page 12.