Almanac: Trade to Victory Points - Catan Game Rules

T (continued)


After you roll for resource production, you may trade with other players (domestic trade*) or with the bank (maritime trade*).

  • You may trade as long as you have resource cards.
  • If you decide not to trade during your turn, no one can trade.
  • You may trade with another player between your turns, but only if it is that player's turn and they elect to trade with you.
  • You may not trade with the bank during another player's turn.
  • You may not give away cards.
  • You may not trade development cards.
  • You may not trade like resources (e.g., 2 wood for 1 wool).


Victory Point Cards

Victory point cards are development cards*, so they can be "bought." These orange-framed development cards represent important cultural achievements, represented by certain buildings.

Each victory point card is worth 1 victory point. You only reveal your victory point cards when you or someone else wins the game! Keep victory point cards hidden until you have 10 points during your turn and you can declare victory. (You should also reveal them if someone else wins.)

Hint: Again, keep your victory point cards hidden until the end of the game. Place them face down in front of you. Of course, if you have 1 or 2 unused cards face down in front of you for a long time, the other players will assume that they are victory point cards.

Victory Points

The first player to reach (be at) 10 victory points (VPs) on their turn wins the game.

Players acquire victory points (VPs) for the following:

  • 1 settlement = 1 VP
  • 1 city = 2 VPs
  • Longest Road special card = 2 VPs
  • Largest Army special card = 2 VPs
  • Victory point (VP) card = 1 VP

Since each player begins with 2 settlements, each player begins the game with 2 victory points.

Therefore, you only need 8 more victory points to win the game!

Hint: In Catan, you will often see an icon of a rising sun (on VP cards and special VP cards, etc.). This is the VP symbol. It is a visual reminder for the things, other than settlements and cities, that earn you VPs. Each VP symbol you see is worth 1 VP.

A general note on Catan rules: This is the 5th English language edition of Catan (aka Settlers of Catan). Over the years, the rules have been clarified, refined, and/or rules updated. As of January 1, 2015, all of the rules in this version of Catan take precedence over any previously-published rules.