Building & Development - Catan Game Rules

Building Settlements and Cities

b) Settlement* Requires: Brick, Lumber, Wool, & Grain

Take special note of the "Distance Rule*"—you may only build a settlement at an intersection if all 3 of the adjacent intersections are vacant (i.e., none are occupied by any settlements or cities—even yours).

Each of your settlements must connect to at least 1 of your own roads. Regardless of whose turn it is (i.e., during any production phase), when a terrain hex produces resources, you receive 1 resource card for each settlement you have adjacent to that terrain hex.

Each settlement is worth 1 victory point.

c) City* Requires: 3 Ore & 2 Grain

You may only establish a city by upgrading one of your settlements. When you upgrade a settlement to a city, put the settlement (house) piece back in your supply and replace it with a city piece (church).

Cities produce twice as many resources as settlements. You acquire 2 resource cards for an adjacent terrain hex that produces resources.

Each city is worth 2 victory points.

Development Cards and Special Rules

d) Buying a Development Card*

Requires: Ore, Wool, & Grain

When you buy a development card, draw the top card from the deck. There are 3 different kinds of these cards: knight*, progress*, and victory point*. Each has a different effect (see b below).

Development cards never go back into the supply, and you cannot buy development cards if the supply is empty. Keep your development cards hidden (in your hand) until you use them, so your opponents can't anticipate your play.

4. Special Cases

a) Rolling a "7" and Activating the Robber*

If you roll a "7", no one receives any resources. Instead, every player who has more than 7 resource cards must select half (rounded down) of their resource cards and return them to the bank.

Then you must move the robber*. Proceed as follows:

  1. You must move the robber* immediately to the number token of any other hex on the desert*.
  2. Then you steal 1 (random) resource card from an opponent who has a settlement or city adjacent to the target terrain hex. The player who is robbed holds their resource cards face down. You then take 1 card at random.

Important: If the production number for the hex containing the robber is rolled, the owners of adjacent settlements and cities do not receive resources. The robber prevents it.

b) Playing Development Cards*

At any time during your turn, you may play 1 development card (put it face up on the table). That card, however, may not be a card you bought during the same turn (except for a victory point card, as described below)!

Knight Cards (Purple Frame)*

If you play a knight card, you must immediately move the robber. See "Rolling a 7" and "activating the robber" above and follow steps 1 and 2.

Once played, knight cards remain face up in front of you. The first player to have 3 knight cards in front of themself receives the special card "Largest Army," which is worth 2 victory points. If another player has more knight cards in front of them than the current holder of the Largest Army card, they immediately take the special card and its 2 victory points.

Progress Cards (Green Frame)*

If you play a progress card, follow its instructions. Then the card is removed from the game (i.e., goes in the box).

Victory Point Cards (Orange Frame)*

You must keep victory point cards hidden. You may only reveal them during your turn and when you are sure that you have 10 victory points—that is, to win the game. Of course, you can reveal them after the end of the game if someone else wins. You may play any number of victory point cards during your turn, even during the turn you purchase them.

Ending the Game

If you have 10 or more victory points during your turn, the game ends and you are the winner! If you reach 10 points when it is not your turn, the game continues until any player (including you) has 10 points on their turn.